Friday, April 09, 2010

OpenID Summit Day 2

Day 2 of the OpenID Summit was an eclectic mix of updates on current efforts, new proposals, and Issues. The day's agenda and related presentations can be found on the OpenID Wiki.

I found the Browser-Assisted Login presentation by Dan Mills (Mozilla Foundation) especially interesting. I believe that some level of identity agent (whether that be the browser or some other process running on the user's device) to be the best way to solve the current usability problems that users face. Their current approach leverages host-meta which defines a link to a JSON based site meta-data document (JSON instead of XML just because that's much easier for the browser to parse). Currently they don't support unsolicited assertions in their OpenID implementation. This is great work, and I believe that with a mechanism to sign the site specific meta-data document and the ability to support unsolicited assertions (protects against phising), this will be a great solution for users.

Mike Jones (Microsoft) also presented on identity agents and Microsoft's work in integrating OpenID and Cardspace. Mike outlined 3 key requirements for allowing identity agents to integrate well with web sites.
  1. Web sites need to be able to publish it's requirements to the identity agent
  2. Web sites need to be able to detect the presence of the identity agent
  3. Web sites need to be able to invoke the identity agent
Initially I didn't think that requirements 2 and 3 were necessary but I can see some use cases where this might be required. I believe the preferred design should be totally passive markup by the web site with the identity agent invoking the user's desired/expected behaviors.

Brian Ellen (JanRain) [Challenges faced with RPX], Allen Tom (Yahoo!) [What an RP wants from an OP], and Chuck Mortimore (Salesforce) [Multi-tenancy at] all talked about issues relating to being a web site that accepts OpenIDs. These talks expounded on the issues list from Day 1 and provided additional clarification.

John Panzer (Google) [Webfinger], Breno de Medeiros (Google) [Artifact binding], and Nat S (NRI) [Contract Exchange] gave explanation and status of their current work in these areas. Key take aways for me were ....
  • Webfinger can be used for generic discovery of any identifier
  • Artifact binding will allow OpenID to support any token type not just the current OpenID assertions. Artifact binding is also key for OpenID to support LoA2 based web sites.
  • Contract Exchange provides mechanism to get contracts digitally signed by both parties.
Pamela Dingle (Ping Identity) spoke on the economic deployment of OpenID in the enterprise and it's associated services. In these environments its critical to be able to mix protocols and from a user's perspective seamlessly navigate between OpenID and SAML (for example).

Mary Rundle (Microsoft) spoke on the necessity of OpenID to engage the public policy makers because public policy can have a significant effect on technology. She encouraged the OpenID Foundation to establish a process for engaging in the public policy discussion.

Joseph Smarr (Google) gave an interesting proposal for how to make OpenID and OAuth easier for developers. This sparked great discussion and debate including ad hoc sessions. The goal of this proposal is to make it as easy as possible for developers to integrate OpenID/OAuth into their web sites.

Sarah Faulkner (Microsoft) lead a discussion on whether email address should be used as an identifier for the user. One clarification from the discussion is that email addresses are good identifiers for what the user knows (i.e. what the user can type into a web site). However, they are bad database identifiers. So OpenID should support using an email address as a way to bootstrap into a more permanent/consistent identifier for the user (this is pretty much what webfinger provides).

I also lead a quick discussion around the issues with OpenID and user logout. We didn't reach any conclusions. I see three possible "solutions" to this issue, listed in my order of preference:)
  1. Train the user to log out of their OS session. If the user has checked the "Remember me" or "Keep me signed in" option then logout is useless anyway.
  2. Instrument the browser to keep track of where the user goes and the browser can log the user out (either by clearing cookies or calling an API at the web site). This makes it easy for the user to choose when they want to just log out of a site (click the web site's logout link) vs log out of all sites (click a button on the browser).
  3. Enhance the OpenID protocol to support a logout mechanism with the option for the user to either just log out of a single site or log out of all web sites.
The result of all the presentations and discussion is the formation of 5 new OpenID Foundation working groups. The following is taken directly from the OpenID Wiki page.
  •  Discovery
    • Chair: Allen Tom / Mike Jones
    • Scope: URL, acct:, active client (discovery about OP and RP)
  •  Attribute Schema
    • Chair: Joseph Smarr
    • Scope: How to ask for and get rich, consistent common extensible data attributes (attribute discovery)
  •  UX Guidelines
    • Chair: Chris Messina
    • Scope: Guidelines for how OPs and RPs provide a consistent user experience
  •  Policy & Certification
    • Chair: Eric Sachs
    • Scope: Define scope
  •  Core Protocol
    • Chair: Dick Hardt
    • Scope: active client, message verification, AX/CX, OAuth, non-browser

Most of the presentations from the OpenID Summit can be found here.

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