Thursday, September 23, 2010

Privacy across Social Network aggregation

Social Network aggregation is a great personal service that allows me to see updates from all my social networks in one place. There are a number of services that provide this functionality: and AOL Lifestream to name two. As long as I'm the only one viewing these aggregations, there are no privacy concerns.

However, the problem arises when content is shared (cross-posted) between social networks and then re-aggregated by the social aggregation service. Take the following scenario as one possible use case.

Alice participates in 3 social networks, statii (a real time micro blogging site), snaps (a photo sharing site), and frendz (a social network of my personal friends). In addition, Alice uses a social network aggregation site called socialview to give her a global view of all her social network activity. All of these social networks allow Alice to establish connections with her friends within those networks. Each of the social networks has it's own privacy mechanisms that allows Alice to share information publicly, or just with a certain set of friends. Even socialview allows Alice to establish relationships with other socialview users and share their aggregated social network activity streams. In addition, socialview allows Alice to cross-post status updates to both statii and frendz.

In this example, all of Alice's micro blog updates to statii are public. In addition, most of the photos she uploads to snaps are also public. On frendz, Alice is a little more careful and only shares information with friends. She does allow friends-of-friends to view her updates and any comments her friends leave.

Now, let's say that Alice uses socialview to post a status update to both statii and frendz. Let's also assume that Alice has decided that all her updates originating from socialview should be public. When Alice's status update appears in frendz, her friend Bob thinks it's relevant and leaves a comment in frendz on her status. Then Socialview, during it's normal aggregation cycle, sees the new comment from Bob and adds it to Alice's aggregated view.

This is where it finally gets interesting. Should Bob's comment be made public (given that Alice's privacy settings at socialview state that all her posts are public, and Bob is commenting on a "public" post?) or should his comment be visible only to Alice (because Bob didn't know he was commenting on a public post).

What I think is missing is a "visibility" scope attribute that needs to be attached to the activity as it navigates across social networks. In the above contrived example, this would allow frendz to make it clear to Bob that Alice's status is really public. It would also allow socialview to honor Bob's privacy settings that he only shares comments with friends when aggregating his comment back into Alice's aggregated view.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

OAuth and Signatures

First, if you have not yet read Eran's most recent post on the subject, OAuth 2.0 (without Signatures) is Bad for the Web, click the link and go read it now!

With that background, I just want to add a couple thoughts. There were two OAuth sessions at the recent IIW East conference in DC. In those sessions we discussed two places where signature are "needed" to enhance the existing OAuth 2.0 draft protocol: signing messages and signing tokens.
  • Signing tokens is important for interoperability especially looking forward to a time when tokens issued by multiple Authorization Servers are accepted at a given host.
  • Signing messages is important because it provides a mechanism to ensure that the entity making the API call (and presenting an access token) is really the entity that is allowed to make the API call.
With some careful and thoughtful work, I think it should be possible to define a single signing mechanism that can be used for both use cases. If you haven't yet read Nat Sakimura's signature draft, please read it and provide feedback to the list.

+10 to Eran's blog that signatures are a critical component of making OAuth useful now and in the future!

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