Friday, June 15, 2007

Clients to the rescue

So last week I blogged about issues the SP faces when trying to reach as many consumers as possible. There are things the SP can do to make this easier for consumers… but maybe “clients” are the “real” solution. Praveen Alavilli started a very interesting internal (to AOL) email thread which is in part summarized below.

For the sake of discussion, let’s assume that SPs have a way to markup up their sites with which identity protocols they support/require. Let’s also assume that the client knows which identities the user has authenticated in the current session and which identities were used with which protocol.

Using the use case from the previous post… My mother-in-law opens the browser to find a new coffee-cake recipe. She finds which accepts OpenIDs. The client (browser/identity agent/etc) recognizes that the site supports OpenID and pops up a message to my mother-in-law saying “You can log into this sight using your AOL account. Would you like to continue?“. If she clicks the “Continue“ button, she starts the process of signing into the site with OpenID. If she is already authenticated, she should just get a consent page. [Note that the Versign Seatbelt and Sxipper plugins provide this kind of behavior for OpenID already.]

My problem with the current solutions is that they are all protocol specific. The client code has to look for OpenID named form elements, or Cardspace Object tags in order to determine what the site supports. In addition, SAML has no mechanism (as far as I know) to allow the SP to declare that it supports SAML. Sure the client app could try to query for SAML metadata for every web site but that is a lot of overhead where some simple markup would be so much easier. Consolidating this markup via a mirco-format or some simple <link> mechanism to a XRDS file would make this kind of client support that much easier.

Finally, if the client can detect and manage cross identity protocol interactions, then these additional features would make the user experience that much better.

Remember Identity (1)

Auto-Login (2)



The identity agent would remember the mapping between the identity the user specified and the site. However, the identity agent would not automatically log the user into the site. The identity agent could present pop-up UI to ask the user if they want to log in or just enable a button in the frame of the client that the user can click when they want to log in.


The identity agent would start a login to the site. The agent could just pop up UI with the current set of authenticated identities that match the supported identity protocols of the site. If there are no authenticated identities that match, it should show any identity it knows about that matches (this of course is more like Cardspace).



This is the SSO option for the client. Now when I browse the web I can be selectively, automatically signed in to the sites I care about. If the previously mapped identity is not already authenticated, the agent would start the authentication process.

(1) “Remember Identity” means that the client will remember the mapping between an identity and the site at which it is used.
(2) “Auto-Login” means that the client will initiate a login sequence without user interaction.

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